Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

We have had a great day here at daycare so far. It is naptime so I'm going to post now before everyone wakes up. This morning I worked with Logan and CJ on their numbers. They are doing really well with their counting. We are talking about caterpillars and butterflies this week so we made a caterpillar. It turned out really cute. I can't believe how much "my" babies have grown. Time flies when you are having fun, I guess! Instead of just playing outside, I took them to the Sedley playground. They had a super time. Baker was in amazement...he REALLY liked it. I love to see the smiles on their faces as they enjoy God's beauty outside. Its a beautiful day today, with the wind blowing, sunny and not so so hot. I love days like this.

Working with numbers 1-10

Our cute caterpillars

Baker was THRILLED!!

I see you Baker....

Wow! This is cool!

I see you...and your hand:o)

CJ made a new friend

Baker is FREE!!

Sweet CJ

Look at Logan being a monkey